CALDO PRIVAT SECURITY has notice of establishment of private service for Emergency Situations “PRIVATE FIRE DEPARTMENT SERVICE – CALDO” which appeared as a result of the security market necessity by developing a new integrated concept of specialized measures in “prevention and fire fighting activities” – CAEN cod 8425.
- Fire detection systems monitoring;
- Insurance of expert personnel in case of fire (Service firefighter, PSI technical framework) and special installations surveillance detection / signal / firefighting 24h/7;
- Fire intervention through specialized teams and fire trucks.
- Realization of documents in accordance with the legal provisions in force;
- Alarm drills / evacuation / fire-fighting; practical demonstrations;
- Evacuation plans, contingency plans (earthquake, fire, flood, terrorist attack), Objective Sheets;
- Signage realization specific to fire prevention and extinction;
- Equipping buildings with technical means for preventing and extinguishing fires (fire extinguishers, pickets PSI sleeves, discharge pipes, hydrants keys, accessories and other means of fire protection);
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